Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Next stop Ubuntu

Ubuntu today unveiled its take on the tablet, the 4th screen in their 4 screen strategy. The tablet UI borrows from that of mobile version, smooth transitions and elegant UI elements. The notion that innovation is dead has be shattered by Ubuntu's efforts on the UI front. It's unlike anything currently on the market and that in itself is cause for an applause. Desktop, TV, phone and tablets now have their own distinct sprinkle of Ubuntu but my thought process lends me to believe in this "post PC era", making the phone and tablet the most vital of the 4 screens.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Greeting from Jailbreak island...

A few years ago I found iOS awesome, the interface was a breathe of fresh air when compared to the popular devices of that day. I remember the Nokia N95 was the "top dog" in those days, for years Nokia milked that device not trying to innovate further, they got comfortable. Then came the iPhone and the rest is history. Fast forward to today, Apple and iOS feels like they are in the same position as Nokia with their cash cow of yesteryear, stuck. The interface employed by Windows phone, Android and now the Blackberry OS 10 seems brushed with a paint brush transported from the future. Now I own an iPhone 4S, I love the device, the hardware is beautiful and the quality of the applications continue to stand a notch above all else. Where iOS in my opinion stumbles is in the navigation and multitasking department. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Artificial Intelligence is our future.

Artificial intelligence, what is this? A fancy definition: The basic concept of Artificial intelligence surrounds the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. My interest in Artificial intelligence first peaked after watching a presentation by IBM on "Watson". Then came Siri and Google Now, my interest now at an all time high, so elevated I thinking of pursuing this field at the post grad level because I believe AI is the future. 

Video depicting Watson:

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Old and New Microsoft: Tragedy or Triumph?

When Gates and Allen founded Micro-Soft nearly four decades ago, they couldn't have known that their company would rise to heights such as it did. Now a 200 billion dollar enterprise, Microsoft is a giant in an industry where giants are rare and perhaps ephemeral. A company doesn't get so far without burning a few bridges, and Microsoft burned their competitors with such artful spectacle that they became a force to be reckoned with.

That Microsoft, dear readers, is no longer with us. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Storm is coming.....

When there is storm brewing on the horizon you can feel the air be sucked towards the center of nature's wrath. The storm I'm referring however isn't one of the physical nature but the technological one, two actually. 

Key Lime Pie 

Google has been doing everything right in my humble opinion, with each update there is a clear path forward inline with their ideals. Moving forward with Key Lime Pie however it gets a bit tricky, with previous generations of Android there were clear holes that consumers requested filled. Android has matured and Key Lime Pie will present a view of how Google tends to break new ground not just satisfying clear needs. Key Lime Pie must present Innovation. 

iOS 7

The general mood around the tech world is Apple's mobile OS needs work. A fresh coat of paint for starters while providing users with more power and ease of use. Anticipations are high that Apple will deliver yet another defining product but I will not forecast such, I am taking a wait and see approach to Apple when it comes to software. Apple has much riding on version 7, lets hope Apple gets its storm into the category 5 range or else the industry and consumers will apply punishment. 

Microsoft, lets talk....

A Consumer's Prospective: 

Bane - Do you feel in charge?
Microsoft - I have over 90% of the PC market!
Bane- And this gives you power over me?

I glanced at an article recently outlining Microsoft's new approach to Office and my initial reaction was; I think everyone at Microsoft needs to meet Bane. The product now comes with two choices of ownership; $100 per year for Office 365 Home Premium and $150 per year for Office 365 Small Business Premium. Outside the subscription model Office Home & Student cost $140 , Office Home & Business ($220) and Office Professional ($400).

Now why would I make such a statement? Meet Bane? One would argue that the Office suite is a well respected and is an unmatched set of productivity tools. I would not argue against this assertion but my problem doesn't stem from the quality of the product but the presentation and pricing. Allow me to explain.

Problem #1

'Could the sales of tablets surpass desktop PCs by the end of 2013? That's the prediction from Antoine Leblond, the head of Windows Web Services at Microsoft'- Source: Neowin. When I read this piece of the article I was baffled that there is someone at Microsoft who realizes tablets are on the rise. What I'm trying to figure out however is, does Microsoft realize it has practically no foothold on that market?

Problem #2

Windows 8, beautiful and innovative in my humble opinion. Microsoft found a way to bring the PC market kicking and screaming into the era of touch. Now someone from the Windows team needs to go over to the Office team and whisper "we are doing touch now so please lets be on the same page". How can a company urge developers to make their applications more touch friendly while releasing in 2013 a 'core' product that's clearly not built with touch in focus. This puzzles me.

Problem #3: The Google Problem

In an interview with AllThingsD, Amit Singh, a Google VP and head of its Enterprise unit, said “Our goal is to get to the 90 percent of users who don’t need to have the most advanced features of Office” - Source: Forbes. Now Google clearly understanding the importance of a solid Eco-system has declared war on Microsoft Office. Office is not just productivity tools but it is an essential part of the Windows Eco-system and Microsoft needs to understand that.

Bringing it together.

Microsoft is missing the ball, they understand where the world is going but the company seems divided. The Windows team has one direction and the Office team has another. Office being so important and Microsoft's position being so weak, the price of this software should be much lower. It is in fact a step in the wrong direction, Microsoft should be so embarrassed that it offers it for a deeply discounted price. Now lets step over to the competition, the Google threat is real, I'm sure that Google will be making a huge step to gain that 90%, Google's current productivity services leaves much to be desired but 2013 may mark the year it changes all of that.

Microsoft do you still feel in charge?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Confession of a "secret" BB lover

I'm a technology junkie, that is a well known fact but the misconception added to my love of technology is the thought that I'm an Apple fanatic. Let me clear this up somewhat, I'm only part Apple fanatic, I would be lying if I said I wasn't that much. Let me explain, I love what Apple is doing on the PC side of the world, nothing can get me to switch back to a Windows machine. The union between a Macbook and OSX is so beautiful, the hardware in every sense complements the software and vice versa. That's how it should be! Moving over to the mobile side I have fallen out of love with Apple, the iPhones are great but the software leaves room for improvement. 

I pride myself as someone who tries to ensure that I speak from an informed stand point and not as someone standing on a matches box speaking from no real prospective. That in mind, my first smartphone was a blackberry (Bold 9000) then I moved to an Android device (HTC Nexus One), migrated to an iPhone (iPhone 4) then back to a Blackberry (bold 9900) and now I'm back to having an iPhone (iPhone 4s). When I speak about a product it's not because I have seen videos or watched people use them but I speak from the prospective of someone who has lived with a device. 

Why I love the Blackberry? 

I have always been a strong critic and lover of the Blackberry. My friends will tell you that I will always advise them to upgrade to a real device because using all the different platforms at the time, the Blackberry felt caged. The only bright spot of the Blackberry is BBM. Now that might seem limited but it's far from reality. BBM feels like a family, a family you can't help but love. You might say there is Whatsapp but Whatsapp in my opinion feels like a stop gap to what you really want. It's a cheap knock off of the real drug, BBM

Why I'm going back to the Blackberry!

BB10 has addressed my main concern with the Blackberry, it nows brings the OS into the 21st century. BB10 in my estimation is not better than Android or iOS or Windows phone but it can hold its own and that for me is all I need. A phone is suppose to be a device to connect you with people, those friends and family members and no one beats the Blackberry when it comes to connecting people

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blackberry 10 Launch and the Brand Loyalty Bug

Image Source: Blackberry10News

The biggest snag in Blackberry 10 launch is the brand loyalty bug. 

In my conversations with my colleagues and practically everyone I meet, the general consensus is that the Blackberry 10 Devices launching at 10am EST, are definitely not better than the current pieces of glass they clutch. What is also common? They know nothing about the specs of the proposed Blackberry 10 nor how it compares to their current device. This is the brand loyalty bug. This is what keeps big producers like Apple, Samsung, Google ahead of the game. Creating a sense of entitlement in consumers to the brand they happened to chose in the beginning. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

State of Mobile part III: Apple

Apple of past.

 To understand Apple's current position in the market we must first take a trip into the past. Join me as we turn the clock back to 1996. We will begin our trip at the point in history when Steve Jobs returned to Apple. Steve returned through the purchase of NeXT a company he start after being fired from Apple and it was clear Apple was failing and in need of direction. Steve provided that vision, also hiring key personnel to realize his vision for the company. He believed in having razor focus on a small number of great products. As a result of this idea Apple grew back to profitability and the hits kept coming. The rest is history, Apple now stands as one of the largest pillars of modern technology. 

 Apple of structure.

 Something went wrong along the way, it was not immediate but it was a gradual build up of what is now a huge hurdle Apple must cross to succeed. Steve in all his insecurities made the company more about himself than about the company itself. This in my opinion was to guard his position at the head. Mr. Jobs once said in an address; 

"Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new." 

Well Steve Jobs died and he has left his company with a void he himself created. People are now questioning and doubting every move, there is a sense of uncertainty surrounding a company known for innovation. A CEO who excels more in the number crunching is now in-charge and its no secret he lacks the vision Steve possessed. The structure problem also continues; Apple is company top heavy by design with secrets weaved in the very fabric of the campus walls at infinite loop. Unlike Google who's approach is an open approach to creativity where pockets of people are allowed to be creative while Apple seems to be the opposite. Few elite brilliant men hand picked by Jobs himself run Apple. 

 Apple's current product position. 

 If you take a look at Apple's product portfolio you will see innovation but that innovation seems to be only manifested in the hardware side of their products. The iPhone 5, a physical triumph, the iPad mini's a beauty to behold, the retina display of the iPad 3 & 4, magnificent, the new iMac's slim and 'sexy' frame and then there is the new macbook retina display that screams magic. Then we take a step over to the software side and everything goes downhill. Maps, limited iCloud, limited and gimmicky Siri, stale iOS, its clear Apple has a software problem.

 Why iOS sucks.

 Lets take a moment to describe today's generation through my eyes. Today we have young people who's emotions control them instead of the opposite direction. We have youths who switch personalities every two days based on how high the sun is in the sky, that is todays generation where every waking feeling, moment and thought is either twitted or Facebooked. The young generation seeks to impose what ever they are feeling on everything that is around them. The smartphone included. When I listen to why people like Android I can see why iOS sucks but iOS at its core mirrors a desktop OS where you pick it up to do work and not the distractions that seem so important to today's youth. 

 "For the techies however the story differs but we are only but a small fraction of the market." 

 iOS lacks the "pretty" of android but at its core its just as powerful since its basically a scaled down version of OSX. iOS however has some clear omissions (major one: updates at a glance) for a OS thats suppose to replace the traditional PC. Apple needs to close the gap between what someone can do on a laptop and on a phone or tablet before it can continue harping on the post PC mantra. Plus lets face it iOS needs a face lift! 

 Hope of Apple.

 Firstly Apple needs to show the world that they can survive even thou Steve Jobs has passed on. It must have a strong hand in the face of adversity. Secondly the company needs to ensure ideas are not only just trickled down from on high by those few great men but come from all angles of the company! Thirdly Apple needs to figure out how to do great, fresh, 'working' software again! Based on Apple's update cycle its huge update on the hardware side then the next year is a focus on the software. Iphone 3GS to iphone 4 was hardware focused. Iphone 4 to 4S was software focus which points to this year being the year Apple tries to "wow" us on the software front, iphone 5 to 5S. Having seen Apple stumble software wise I'm uncertain Apple can deliver but I will hold judgement until the late June/July. 2013 is the year Apple must step up and show the world that it has what it takes to deliver a strong software product but if they pass on this chance this year I'm afraid it will be to late for Apple to regain its innovator crown.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

State of Mobile Part II: Windows Phone

To analyze Windows phone, we must first evaluate Microsoft’s position in the PC space to understand and fully grasp the importance of the success of their Windows phone platform. My first blanket statement will be, “the PC as we know it, is dying, slowly but surely!” Some might categorize this death as a mere transition point where the market self adjusts to the trend towards mobile, but we can not ignore the bleeding experienced by PC companies today.

Research done by IDE on the market during the 4th quarter of 2012 shows the performance of top five PC manufactures. Those within the top five are: HP, Lenovo, Dell, Acer and Asus. Looking at the numbers, Acer and Dell experienced more than 20% decline in sales while HP experience less than 1% decline. Thou Lenovo and Asus experience growth, the entire PC market contracted 6.4%. This is shocking due to two main factors, the 4th quarter is home to the Christmas shopping season and Microsoft just released a brand new, bold,  ‘innovative’ OS, Windows 8!

What is driving the sales of the PC market into the ground? Mobile! Phones and tablets are now replacing desktops and laptops under Christmas trees across the global and this reality must scare the folks at Microsoft because their share of the mobile pie is of date insignificant.

The companies that helped Microsoft rule over the PC are now failures in the mobile space. HP, Dell, Lenovo, Acer and Asus have tried making phones and tablets but they have all failed to gain the kind of recognition they command in the PC world. This puts Microsoft in a very bad state; Android’s success now brings questions to OEM’s minds when considering investing capital in developing a new mobile product. At this war Microsoft is currently loosing.

Now lets look at Window’s mobile offering! Windows has successfully rebranded and reinvented the horrible, sad and disgraceful mobile OS system once called Windows Mobile. They have created something that is truly beautiful and innovative (Windows phone). The fruits of Microsoft’s procrastination are bitter; thou they have built a compelling product the bad reputation resulting from years of lacking in innovation is currently stifling the newly reformed platform.

Enter Nokia! This company is known for the being the best in class in hardware. We have all seen the memes! Nokia phones are long lasting devices; this reputation has brought some fortune to Microsoft and its fight to gain some footing in the mobile space. A partnership with Nokia that’s costing Microsoft more than it gains in licensing Windows phone has brought some life back to the dying platform.

Reformed hope! Microsoft agreements with Android manufactures will ensure new products are pushed out the door and consumers get to experience a more diverse collection of Windows phone devices, helping them to realize it’s a well made OS deserving of a seat at the table comprising of the giants of mobile. For now however Microsoft will have to bear with the their self created “kiddies table”.

I have faith in Microsoft. I think that this year we will see great products emerging from the recesses of Redmond. I hold the view that the new “Xbox 720” (as its being referred to) will be tightly integrated in the mobile strategy going forward. This will help to further convince consumers that Microsoft is ready to be innovative again. Another dimension that will spark growth will be the warming of consumers to Windows 8; the advantage of having the same user interface will make the transition into Windows phone much smoother! There is indeed hope. I don’t expect Windows to take the market by 2013 but by 2015 I expect a strong showing from Microsoft! 

Part III I will explore the world of Apple!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

State of Mobile Part I: Android

Examining the surface of the mobile space, the untrained eye will declare Android's platform the clear winner that is poised to take over the entire market. In this post, I will seek to open your eyes to some of the realities that might question the huge monster that is Android's dominance on the mobile space.

First important point to note! No one but Samsung, has being doing exceptionally well at running Android. Samsung’s current Android market share now stands at 46% (and growing). That's almost half of every Android device sold. Samsung’s closest competitor- HTC has been experiencing a downward spiral spanning into months. 

They are hoping that a strong lineup in 2013 will bring them back from dismal numbers quarter after quarter. We have to face the fact also that Samsung is currently spending more money on marketing than anyone in today's market. Nobody within the Android’s Eco-system can match Samsung's dollar at the present moment. All signs point to Samsung’s market upward growth. Why is this important? Read on.
Source: Imore
Second point of interest: Amazon. Amazon has shown the world how to beat Google at its own game with their broad Eco system being used as a leveraging tool. Amazon has found success by taking Android (a free OS) stripping it of all things Google and replacing them with Amazon services. "Billy Button works for nothing?"

Third point of interest: Tizen. What is Tizen you may ask, well it’s the product of a partnership between Samsung and Intel to bring a new OS which offers the same, open source standards, flexibility and power as Android.  Tizen has built in an Application Compatibility layer which makes Android app portability easy! A dangerous reality since Samsung  has announced they will be releasing Tizen powered phones in 2013!

Let’s bring it together! Samsung has been spending a crazy amount of money to create what Apple has been enjoying for years, Brand loyalty! (Very Important!) To check if it’s working, think about this for a second, how many of you reading this post can't wait to see what Samsung brings to the table with the Galaxy S4; I'm guessing a lot of us! An even further test will be how many of us actually own or would like to own a “Galaxy S3” or Note II? Adding more to the puzzle, Amazon is enjoying success stealing Google's hard labor, why shouldn't Samsung follow suit by stealing App developers for their own OS Tizen? They have the leverage of loyal followers which can be very enticing to developers! I'm sure the folks at Samsung will love to have complete control over Hardware and Software!

Is Android still that unbeatable beast in your mind or are there now cracks in your reality?

Look out for Part 2 where I take on Windows Phone!

-Maurice John

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Rise or Fall of RIM

Only 12 days are left until RIM (Research in Motion) reveals a long over due overhaul in their line of smartphones, Blackberry 10. And I mean LONG overdue. This pending announcement is being met by a general air of nonchalance from the press, media and by extension the public. Everyone seems to be of the opinion that Blackberry is dead. I won't be surprised if this post is met with comments like 'Isn't it obvious??'. But it is simply NOT TRUE. Yes I said it.

Now I am not a blackberry enthusiast, nor am I being paid by RIM. I simply stepped back one day and looked at the reality of what is around me, and spit back up the anti-rim oatmeal that the media is feeding everyone. For the apocalyptic reports coming from the media for over two years, claiming nothing short of a disastrous collapse and blowing up a much needed reshuffle of RIM's cabinet, by now surely Blackberry's should be obsolete devices and RIM should be filing for bankruptcy! 

It is my firm believe that things with RIM aren't as bad as the media makes it out to be. I am certainly not denying the obvious shortcomings of the current slate of Blackberry devices, but how does that lead me to conclude that RIM cannot do better? 

As I close this highly opinionated piece I just want to reiterate that I am not a Blackberry die hard. In fact, I own and love an iOS device. It is a trick of these companie to create a sense of loyalty to their devices, and a feeling of betrayal if we recognize anything but shortcomings in the competing devices. We as consumers need to snap out of this trance.  Competition (or attempts at) is good.  More companies trying to bring more to the table can only mean good for us as consumers, even the die hard apple users. I welcome Blackberry 10 with open arms.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Source  BGR : 
"As titans Apple (AAPL) and Samsung (005930) continue to stomp across the smartphone landscape, a new battle is emerging between two scrappers in 2013. In one corner sits Microsoft (MSFT), the world’s largest software company that still can’t seem to find its footing withWindows Phone. In the other corner, Research In Motion (RIMM), a toppled giant steadying itself as it prepares for the fight of its life. Two enter the ring, but only one may emerge as the smartphone war heats up in 2013."


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mobsters of the Tech world!

Come with me down the rabbit hole filled with theories based on analysis of the unspoken, subtle strikes from the Dons of the big four “crime families”. The big four as I refer to them as for the purpose of this post are: Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook.

Lets define these families, taking a closer look at how they make their money. Apple, they make money from both hardware and software but the bulk of their money comes from selling hardware at a high premium. Microsoft on the other hand makes their money through software at a premium that's their "bread and butter" though they make hardware products most notably the Xbox, but their software business rules. Google, search and advertising are their main source of revenue. Facebook will be defined later in this post. 

Google in all its mighty ignorance think they can come into the "pc" market using the strategies of the three pillars of the personal computer space to propel Android into the next age of computing. Pillar one, Linux and its idea of open source bringing all the benefits of such. Pillar two, Microsoft's strategy of having OEMs like HTC, Motorola and Samsung do their bidding in the hardware side. Pillar three, Apple's strategy, making hardware and software, "the nexus project". 

Google is winning but for how long is the question I ask myself. Google's declaration, "We are the new Microsoft" must have sent shock waves through the hearts of the Don's at Apple and Microsoft because they are now gearing up for war! 2013 will be the year of split blood the families are at war! Stick with me it gets fun from here. 

Apple takes them to court. Apple launched a massive litigation campaign on all the major OEMs who provide Android phones. HTC has recently settled, while Samsung and Motorola are still stuck in battle with Apple in the courts of law. Microsoft the other hand have gone about this in a different way, a silent killer approach only perfected by an old veteran. Microsoft has successfully made agreements with all the major OEMs to pay them royalties for a software (Android) that Google offers free. Let's take a moment here; Microsoft makes more money from Android than Google does in that regard. What? It gets better, lets go deeper. 

Enter Facebook, Microsoft invested $240 million dollars into Facebook, future strike set. Apple embraces Facebook after many disagreements most notably with their service "ping". Facebook's now tightly integrated into OSX and iOS. Why is Facebook so important too these two companies? 

When you want to take a monster down, you hit them where it hurts. Facebook passed Google on time spent on a website and total views! Facebook now have over 1 billion active users per month! Why is all this important you may ask? January the 15th, yesterday to be exact, Facebook introduced Graph search, a partnership with Microsoft on a new approach to searching for content. Recollect from above where I mentioned Google's dollar comes from search and advertisement. Facebook is now doing search, they are going after Google's bread and butter. Microsoft's funding this war and Apple is facilitating it, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. 

Who will come out on top? I will never take my eyes off Microsoft, a silent killer moving around the industry. Microsoft currently makes money from an OS it has no part of development wise. They are partnering with Facebook to take away Google's main source of income. The main reason why I would never count Microsoft out however is quite simple, Microsoft wasn't first in the PC space Apple was but they came and took it all. Lets see where all of this ends! 2013 is shaping up to be a fun year. 

Maurice John

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Facebook unveils Graph Search

Facebook unveils graph search. A more in depth way of searching information that has been shared with you. This is not web search and preserves that privacy of content.

Some new search features include being able to search for photos, people and interests. Some examples of typical search requests would be 'pictures of my friends hiking' or 'movies my friends like'

/developing story/

(Image sources Engadget.com)

Computer Science: A ship docked in the ocean

Education is truly the key, not only to facilitate a climb from poverty but also to unlock the crevices of one's mind. The burst of information that fill your mind as you course the halls of any educational institution is quite invigorating. Computer Science is becoming an intensely populated field as a result of the realization by prospective students and Caribbean governments alike, that the world of technology directs the direction of every other field. This saturation results in a collective surge of unlocked minds. 

Computer Science is diverse and far reaching, the world has become smaller but within the Computer Science intranet its even smaller. The climate of ones habitat no longer requires flight for survival when you can easily dip your feet in the back yard pool called the World. A classical example of such is the rise in jobs outsourced to countries like India, where they take advantage of exchange rates to beat external local businesses. 

My fellow colleagues I employ you to dream big, bigger than ever before, the world is truly your holster. Let no obstacle deter you, be like me in thought: 
            "Headstrong that I can use my first love as a blade sharpened by my determination to carve out my piece of  this world, I started at Cavehill." (Quote from my BIO). 

Maurice John 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

LIME and our Cloud Computing future!


Take a trip with me into the future. Technology works in a cycle. We started out with large computers with minimal processing power to smaller and smaller machines with great processing power, now a smartphone today has more computing power than computers of yesteryear. Processing power has been moving from large machines to small machines but I predict, that the future of processing will return to large machines hidden from the user (Cloud). Nonsense you might say, but lets dive deeper into my thoughts.

Exhibit A: Cloud Gaming

There is a new trend emerging where Cloud is becoming the processing engine for games which are delivered to our various screens. On-live was the first company to venture into this business and most recently as CES 2013 Nvidia announced the Nvidia GRID (read more about this here). What am I trying to say here is simple, your mobile device will not be able to keep getting smaller and increase in power at the rapid pace it is accomplishing today hence, this is where Cloud comes in. Millions of processors crunching away to deliver your game over the connection of the internet

Exhibit B: Chrome OS

Chrome OS is what I categorize as a product that has the right idea but the wrong timing. An Operating System that stores everything on the Cloud. Imagine with me a Windows/Mac machine that store everything in the cloud. I say it here now, this is the future. When I get up from my laptop at home and sign in at my friends house that desktop should just transform into my pc. That is the future, where your data moves with you and there is no need for external applications like Dropbox or Skydrive. 

Now where does LIME come into this picture?

I'm a Vincentian, an angry Vincentian studying in Barbados. Let me explain my anger, when I am in Barbados I enjoy 4G (LIME's definition of such) speeds but when I take a 30 minute trip to my lovely St. Vincent, I'm greeted with EDGE. What!? 

Reality Strikes

We in the Caribbean are classified as third world. We have been able to buy our way into the first world because of the breaking down of barriers which existed in times past, the world has become so much smaller. A phone is released in the United States today, and three days later somebody in the Caribbean has it rocking. Now lets think about the future I describe where our devices are mere thin clients with the real power hidden in the cloud and the critical connection between those to entities being the internet

Has the the picture become clear? We will be forced back into the dark ages if companies like LIME continue to control our progress keeping their feet firmly planted on the neck of our development. It's a sad reality for a tech junkie like myself but I hope by the time this future becomes a reality something can be done so we aren't left behind again. "Nuff said"

-Maurice John 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So 8-core mobile processors?

Samsung announced a monster, an 8-core mobile processor based on BIG.Little ARM. This set up runs two quad-core processors. The power house quad will be a 1.8GHz A15 and for smaller task there is the 1.2GHz A7 quad plus the die will be on a 28nm process.

Keep posted here for more information! 

Sourced from Engadget!

Bye Bye MSN Messenger!

Remember that book of personal messages? or thinking this would make a nice display pic for my MSN? No? Well neither does Microsoft. On March 15th you will no longer be able to use what was once a phenomenon, especially here in the Caribbean. Microsoft would be moving all of your contacts over to their other popular service Skype. This is in keeping with the latest trend of conglomeration with Microsoft , like morphing what you know as Hotmail, into Microsoft Outlook. 

Does any out there still use MSN Messenger? or has BBM and WhatsApp taken that spot in your life?