Thursday, January 10, 2013

LIME and our Cloud Computing future!


Take a trip with me into the future. Technology works in a cycle. We started out with large computers with minimal processing power to smaller and smaller machines with great processing power, now a smartphone today has more computing power than computers of yesteryear. Processing power has been moving from large machines to small machines but I predict, that the future of processing will return to large machines hidden from the user (Cloud). Nonsense you might say, but lets dive deeper into my thoughts.

Exhibit A: Cloud Gaming

There is a new trend emerging where Cloud is becoming the processing engine for games which are delivered to our various screens. On-live was the first company to venture into this business and most recently as CES 2013 Nvidia announced the Nvidia GRID (read more about this here). What am I trying to say here is simple, your mobile device will not be able to keep getting smaller and increase in power at the rapid pace it is accomplishing today hence, this is where Cloud comes in. Millions of processors crunching away to deliver your game over the connection of the internet

Exhibit B: Chrome OS

Chrome OS is what I categorize as a product that has the right idea but the wrong timing. An Operating System that stores everything on the Cloud. Imagine with me a Windows/Mac machine that store everything in the cloud. I say it here now, this is the future. When I get up from my laptop at home and sign in at my friends house that desktop should just transform into my pc. That is the future, where your data moves with you and there is no need for external applications like Dropbox or Skydrive. 

Now where does LIME come into this picture?

I'm a Vincentian, an angry Vincentian studying in Barbados. Let me explain my anger, when I am in Barbados I enjoy 4G (LIME's definition of such) speeds but when I take a 30 minute trip to my lovely St. Vincent, I'm greeted with EDGE. What!? 

Reality Strikes

We in the Caribbean are classified as third world. We have been able to buy our way into the first world because of the breaking down of barriers which existed in times past, the world has become so much smaller. A phone is released in the United States today, and three days later somebody in the Caribbean has it rocking. Now lets think about the future I describe where our devices are mere thin clients with the real power hidden in the cloud and the critical connection between those to entities being the internet

Has the the picture become clear? We will be forced back into the dark ages if companies like LIME continue to control our progress keeping their feet firmly planted on the neck of our development. It's a sad reality for a tech junkie like myself but I hope by the time this future becomes a reality something can be done so we aren't left behind again. "Nuff said"

-Maurice John 


  1. indeed plenty foolishness going on not just with large companies like lime ...but with the people too...i started a t3ch club to get the young people more involve in technology not just use it to gossip about small minded things on their neighbor but instead of people primarily the older heads who have more resources at their disposal to help back such an idea ...such a movement no interest is paid to it but they are ever quick to waste money on flashy useless projects sigh messed up...

  2. Sad I say too, Maurice! Smh still though... Didn't you know our government signed a 90 years contract with lime? I went and talk to a high official In digicel and he told me that lime holds the power to our future.. I just start to njoy techy stuff so am a bit new to the game but i know that as long as us as youths aint take control of future LIME would be our great great grand child goliath to... Just saying
