Friday, January 18, 2013

The Rise or Fall of RIM

Only 12 days are left until RIM (Research in Motion) reveals a long over due overhaul in their line of smartphones, Blackberry 10. And I mean LONG overdue. This pending announcement is being met by a general air of nonchalance from the press, media and by extension the public. Everyone seems to be of the opinion that Blackberry is dead. I won't be surprised if this post is met with comments like 'Isn't it obvious??'. But it is simply NOT TRUE. Yes I said it.

Now I am not a blackberry enthusiast, nor am I being paid by RIM. I simply stepped back one day and looked at the reality of what is around me, and spit back up the anti-rim oatmeal that the media is feeding everyone. For the apocalyptic reports coming from the media for over two years, claiming nothing short of a disastrous collapse and blowing up a much needed reshuffle of RIM's cabinet, by now surely Blackberry's should be obsolete devices and RIM should be filing for bankruptcy! 

It is my firm believe that things with RIM aren't as bad as the media makes it out to be. I am certainly not denying the obvious shortcomings of the current slate of Blackberry devices, but how does that lead me to conclude that RIM cannot do better? 

As I close this highly opinionated piece I just want to reiterate that I am not a Blackberry die hard. In fact, I own and love an iOS device. It is a trick of these companie to create a sense of loyalty to their devices, and a feeling of betrayal if we recognize anything but shortcomings in the competing devices. We as consumers need to snap out of this trance.  Competition (or attempts at) is good.  More companies trying to bring more to the table can only mean good for us as consumers, even the die hard apple users. I welcome Blackberry 10 with open arms.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Source  BGR : 
"As titans Apple (AAPL) and Samsung (005930) continue to stomp across the smartphone landscape, a new battle is emerging between two scrappers in 2013. In one corner sits Microsoft (MSFT), the world’s largest software company that still can’t seem to find its footing withWindows Phone. In the other corner, Research In Motion (RIMM), a toppled giant steadying itself as it prepares for the fight of its life. Two enter the ring, but only one may emerge as the smartphone war heats up in 2013."


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mobsters of the Tech world!

Come with me down the rabbit hole filled with theories based on analysis of the unspoken, subtle strikes from the Dons of the big four “crime families”. The big four as I refer to them as for the purpose of this post are: Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook.

Lets define these families, taking a closer look at how they make their money. Apple, they make money from both hardware and software but the bulk of their money comes from selling hardware at a high premium. Microsoft on the other hand makes their money through software at a premium that's their "bread and butter" though they make hardware products most notably the Xbox, but their software business rules. Google, search and advertising are their main source of revenue. Facebook will be defined later in this post. 

Google in all its mighty ignorance think they can come into the "pc" market using the strategies of the three pillars of the personal computer space to propel Android into the next age of computing. Pillar one, Linux and its idea of open source bringing all the benefits of such. Pillar two, Microsoft's strategy of having OEMs like HTC, Motorola and Samsung do their bidding in the hardware side. Pillar three, Apple's strategy, making hardware and software, "the nexus project". 

Google is winning but for how long is the question I ask myself. Google's declaration, "We are the new Microsoft" must have sent shock waves through the hearts of the Don's at Apple and Microsoft because they are now gearing up for war! 2013 will be the year of split blood the families are at war! Stick with me it gets fun from here. 

Apple takes them to court. Apple launched a massive litigation campaign on all the major OEMs who provide Android phones. HTC has recently settled, while Samsung and Motorola are still stuck in battle with Apple in the courts of law. Microsoft the other hand have gone about this in a different way, a silent killer approach only perfected by an old veteran. Microsoft has successfully made agreements with all the major OEMs to pay them royalties for a software (Android) that Google offers free. Let's take a moment here; Microsoft makes more money from Android than Google does in that regard. What? It gets better, lets go deeper. 

Enter Facebook, Microsoft invested $240 million dollars into Facebook, future strike set. Apple embraces Facebook after many disagreements most notably with their service "ping". Facebook's now tightly integrated into OSX and iOS. Why is Facebook so important too these two companies? 

When you want to take a monster down, you hit them where it hurts. Facebook passed Google on time spent on a website and total views! Facebook now have over 1 billion active users per month! Why is all this important you may ask? January the 15th, yesterday to be exact, Facebook introduced Graph search, a partnership with Microsoft on a new approach to searching for content. Recollect from above where I mentioned Google's dollar comes from search and advertisement. Facebook is now doing search, they are going after Google's bread and butter. Microsoft's funding this war and Apple is facilitating it, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. 

Who will come out on top? I will never take my eyes off Microsoft, a silent killer moving around the industry. Microsoft currently makes money from an OS it has no part of development wise. They are partnering with Facebook to take away Google's main source of income. The main reason why I would never count Microsoft out however is quite simple, Microsoft wasn't first in the PC space Apple was but they came and took it all. Lets see where all of this ends! 2013 is shaping up to be a fun year. 

Maurice John

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Facebook unveils Graph Search

Facebook unveils graph search. A more in depth way of searching information that has been shared with you. This is not web search and preserves that privacy of content.

Some new search features include being able to search for photos, people and interests. Some examples of typical search requests would be 'pictures of my friends hiking' or 'movies my friends like'

/developing story/

(Image sources

Computer Science: A ship docked in the ocean

Education is truly the key, not only to facilitate a climb from poverty but also to unlock the crevices of one's mind. The burst of information that fill your mind as you course the halls of any educational institution is quite invigorating. Computer Science is becoming an intensely populated field as a result of the realization by prospective students and Caribbean governments alike, that the world of technology directs the direction of every other field. This saturation results in a collective surge of unlocked minds. 

Computer Science is diverse and far reaching, the world has become smaller but within the Computer Science intranet its even smaller. The climate of ones habitat no longer requires flight for survival when you can easily dip your feet in the back yard pool called the World. A classical example of such is the rise in jobs outsourced to countries like India, where they take advantage of exchange rates to beat external local businesses. 

My fellow colleagues I employ you to dream big, bigger than ever before, the world is truly your holster. Let no obstacle deter you, be like me in thought: 
            "Headstrong that I can use my first love as a blade sharpened by my determination to carve out my piece of  this world, I started at Cavehill." (Quote from my BIO). 

Maurice John