Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Computer Science: A ship docked in the ocean

Education is truly the key, not only to facilitate a climb from poverty but also to unlock the crevices of one's mind. The burst of information that fill your mind as you course the halls of any educational institution is quite invigorating. Computer Science is becoming an intensely populated field as a result of the realization by prospective students and Caribbean governments alike, that the world of technology directs the direction of every other field. This saturation results in a collective surge of unlocked minds. 

Computer Science is diverse and far reaching, the world has become smaller but within the Computer Science intranet its even smaller. The climate of ones habitat no longer requires flight for survival when you can easily dip your feet in the back yard pool called the World. A classical example of such is the rise in jobs outsourced to countries like India, where they take advantage of exchange rates to beat external local businesses. 

My fellow colleagues I employ you to dream big, bigger than ever before, the world is truly your holster. Let no obstacle deter you, be like me in thought: 
            "Headstrong that I can use my first love as a blade sharpened by my determination to carve out my piece of  this world, I started at Cavehill." (Quote from my BIO). 

Maurice John 


  1. like the quote keep up the writing buddy interesting article

  2. As we carve our piece in the world, let's not be afraid to be Entrepreneurs. If not now, when? If not in the Caribbean, where? Kert Quashie
