Monday, February 4, 2013

A Storm is coming.....

When there is storm brewing on the horizon you can feel the air be sucked towards the center of nature's wrath. The storm I'm referring however isn't one of the physical nature but the technological one, two actually. 

Key Lime Pie 

Google has been doing everything right in my humble opinion, with each update there is a clear path forward inline with their ideals. Moving forward with Key Lime Pie however it gets a bit tricky, with previous generations of Android there were clear holes that consumers requested filled. Android has matured and Key Lime Pie will present a view of how Google tends to break new ground not just satisfying clear needs. Key Lime Pie must present Innovation. 

iOS 7

The general mood around the tech world is Apple's mobile OS needs work. A fresh coat of paint for starters while providing users with more power and ease of use. Anticipations are high that Apple will deliver yet another defining product but I will not forecast such, I am taking a wait and see approach to Apple when it comes to software. Apple has much riding on version 7, lets hope Apple gets its storm into the category 5 range or else the industry and consumers will apply punishment. 


  1. in your opinion who has the most potential?

  2. Android has the momentum at the moment the ball is in their court if they deliver a strong product then they will continue to trend upward.
