A few years ago I found iOS awesome, the interface was a breathe of fresh air when compared to the popular devices of that day. I remember the Nokia N95 was the "top dog" in those days, for years Nokia milked that device not trying to innovate further, they got comfortable. Then came the iPhone and the rest is history. Fast forward to today, Apple and iOS feels like they are in the same position as Nokia with their cash cow of yesteryear, stuck. The interface employed by Windows phone, Android and now the Blackberry OS 10 seems brushed with a paint brush transported from the future. Now I own an iPhone 4S, I love the device, the hardware is beautiful and the quality of the applications continue to stand a notch above all else. Where iOS in my opinion stumbles is in the navigation and multitasking department.
Enter Zephyr
Now this jailbreak tweak makes navigation a much more bearable experience, Nokia N9 gestures I welcome you. It has gotten painful double tapping on the home button to select an application from the multitasking tray. Now Zephyr offers two options, swipe from app to app from the edge of the screen or swipe up to reveal open apps or all the way up to close an app. (Fist pump)
Next up Auxo
Auxo is absolutely beautiful, it's like a jailbreak tweak Apple themselves designed. Auxo offers a re-imagined multitasking tray seemingly fresh from the design studios at Apple. The icons offer a preview of the runnings apps, to close an app just swipe down, plain and simple, no press and hold then wait for the giggle. The tweak doesn't end there, swipe left to reveal utility toggles, turn off your wifi, bluetooth, cellular radios etc right from the multitasking tray. (Fist pumps continues)
The icing: Winterboard & fake operator
After Auxo and Zephyr my major grievances with iOS are cooled but a little icing never hurt anyone right? Winterboard, this application allows you to theme your device to your hearts content (My theme: Suave HD, lockScreen: LS inme). Last but not least, Fake operator allows you to change your carrier name to anything of your choosing! Take a look at my set up, see that GeekBoy signal flying high!
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